The True Cost of CVE Management in Containers
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CVE Management is Painful

Find out why

To gain a better understanding of how organizations handle vulnerability management in containers, Chainguard conducted interviews with organizations across various industries to see how many hours they are spending on vulnerability management tasks, including scanning for, triaging, and remediating CVEs.

Key findings include:

  • CVEs cost time and resources: Thousands of hours annually are spent on CVE management.
  • Remediation is challenging: CVE remediation time depends on the ease of upgrading and testing software, coupled by developers often prioritizing convenience over the number of CVEs in container images.
  • The CVE productivity hit: Time spent on CVE management not only drains resources but also affects developer productivity and the ability to focus on critical business tasks like supporting customers.

Related resources

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Linked Up: Snyk Edition

Check out a webinar discussing many different aspects of software supply chain security, including vulnerability management, featuring Micah Silverman, Director of Developer Relations at Snyk, and Chainguard’s Priya Wadhwa and Eric Smalling on February 28.

Build secure and minimal images with Chainguard Static Images

Build secure and minimal images with Chainguard Static Images

During this hands-on lab on February 13, we will learn how to create images that have low-to-zero CVEs and are much smaller than standard container images. This lab is focused on producing images for compiled languages that can produce static binaries, such as Go and Rust.


Linked Up: Sequoia Edition 

Check out our first in a series of webinars on the different approaches to software supply chain security from a CISO and developer perspective, featuring Sequoia Capital Global CISO, Luke Shoberg, and Information Security Principal, Caleb Tennis in conversation with Chainguard’s Priya Wadhwa.